The Nonprofit Website Emergency Kit

Nonprofit Website Emergency Kit

It’s not a matter of if, but when.

When something goes wrong with your website, will you be ready?

Do you know where the backup files are?

Would you know how to log in to your domain registrar?

If you’re not sure how to answer these questions, don’t worry. Most nonprofits are facing the same dilemma.

I’m the person that nonprofits call when the website goes wrong… and they rarely ever know how to answer these questions.

That’s how a website blip turns into a complicated and expensive headache.

So, while we have a minute, let’s get you set up with everything you need to handle a website emergency.

I’m sharing the exact same template that I give to my clients at the end of my website projects.

Follow along with the template to create your own website emergency kit. I even included a video training where I walk you through what the information means and why it’s important!


Request the Training

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yesenia sotelo

About Yesenia Sotelo

Yesenia Sotelo is a digital skills teacher and web developer.

She elevates ambitious nonprofit professionals by teaching them how to use the technology tools of modern marketing.

Yesenia can teach you how to use website analytics or improve your online marketing results.

Her SmartCause Method for building websites is especially designed for the way nonprofits collaborate, make decisions and grow.

She won the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) for her work teaching digital skills to nonprofit professionals.