What I’ve learned so far in Google Analytics 4

Have you had a chance to use Google Analytics 4?

What do you think so far?

Is it exciting? Confusing? Overwhelming?

Probably all three.

Here’s what I’ve discovered that’s helping me understand and embrace this new tool. I hope that you find this perspective useful.

The software has changed – a lot.

I started learning this tool in early 2021 and today’s version is much improved. For example, if you set up your GA4 account before spring 2023, there are probably settings that need updating, simply because they didn’t exist before this spring!

The software will continue to change.

Even though we’re past the official “switch”, be prepared for this tool to continue to evolve. There are still key features that are missing. More importantly, Google continues to lose court cases in Europe where their analytics software is found to be in violation of privacy laws. Expect the software to change to stay in line with legal requirements, if nothing else.

Almost everything is customizable.

From the default Reports to the Explorations, we have access to an overwhelming amount of customization. More often than not, I can adjust a table, graph, or chart to display the information in a way that is more helpful to my client.

It’s going to take a while to learn this new software and unlock its potential.

With much customization, comes much learning. It’s going to take me, you, all of us a bit longer to really learn this new tool and configure it to best serve our goals. The easiest way to get started is to customize the default reports for Traffic Acquisition and Pages / Screens to meet your needs.

I’m excited to see what this software can do to improve nonprofit marketing.

My clients have always had complex questions that Universal Analytics had a hard time answering. Google Analytics 4 promises more sophisticated analysis. I’m excited to leverage this tool to improve online advertising campaigns, inform content strategy, guide tech decisions, and much more.

Next Steps

If you still need a hand getting setup with this new tool, my Google Analytics 4 transition package is available for a few more days.

yesenia sotelo

About Yesenia Sotelo

Yesenia Sotelo is a digital skills teacher and web developer.

She elevates ambitious nonprofit professionals by teaching them how to use the technology tools of modern marketing.

Yesenia can teach you how to use website analytics or improve your online marketing results.

Her SmartCause Method for building websites is especially designed for the way nonprofits collaborate, make decisions and grow.

She won the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) for her work teaching digital skills to nonprofit professionals.